Academy Council
Lime Academy Hornbeam is governed by an Academy Council who meet four times per year, in line with the Lime Trust annual Governance plan.
Chair of Academy Council: Eamon Casey
Contact details for Chair: If you would like to contact the Chair of the Academy Council, please email the Governance & Communication Lead, Kelly Smith at:
Academy Council Members:
Shelley Eugene, Trust-appointed Governor: Shelley is a true Londoner and was born and raised in the big smoke, where she still lives. She has two daughters in secondary school, who work hard at keeping her constantly on her toes. Her passion is closing the inequality gap and improving outcomes amongst the most vulnerable. She works as a public health professional in the NHS and is also currently undertaking a MSc. She truly values the importance of education and believes that we never stop learning – whether young or old! She is at her happiest when lugging her backpack and children on a world adventure. When she is not globe-trotting, studying or working, she is usually ‘attempting’ a new home improvement project.
Harry Parsons, Trust-appointed Governor: Harry joined the Academy Council as a Trust-appointed Governor in September 2022.
Eamonn Casey, Trust-appointed Governor: Eamonn joined the Academy Council as a Trust-appointed Governor in September 2022.
Anna Borzenko, Trust-appointed Governor: Anna joined the Academy Council as a Trust-appointed Governor in September 2022.
Rachael Holland, Trust Staff Rep: Prior to her current role as Interim Deputy CEO and Director of Education for Lime Trust, Rachael was a Headteacher with the Trust for 3 years. She has over 25 years’ teaching experience, has taught throughout the primary age range, was a SENCO for a number of years, as well as a Local Authority moderator. She successfully managed and led the academisation process at Lime Academy Abbotsmede and the school has seen improvements in outcomes at all key milestones as a result. Her qualifications include a BA (Hons) in Law, PGCE, SENCO accreditation, NPQH and she is currently studying for the NPQEL qualification.
George Lambrou, Lime Academy Hornbeam Staff Rep: George is a Deputy Headteacher.
Lime Trust Governance: To view details of how the Lime Trust and its academies are governed, please click here.