Lime Academy Hornbeam comprises of two sites, Brookfield House and William Morris. We offer a specialist provision for pupils aged between 2-19 with a range of complex and significant learning needs in the area of cognition and learning (with co-occurring conditions). This includes learners with autistic spectrum condition and those with complex physical and sensory impairments.
Our Brookfield House site caters for learners that have complex learning, medical and behavioural needs who benefit from a multisensory approach where communication and pupil voice are at the core of the curriculum offer. At Brookfield House, we understand that learners may not always acquire skills and knowledge in linear ways, so there is an emphasis on making learning “real” and meaningful through contextual learning experiences, repetition and generalisation to secure good outcomes. We work closely with therapists to ensure that barriers to learning are removed and students can access the curriculum in a meaningful way. We value experiential learning where pupils apply their learning experiences in the community to prepare them for life after Lime Academy Hornbeam.
Our William Morris site caters for learners that can access key areas of the national curriculum which is appropriately adapted to meet their level of cognition. Students have access to specialist teachers that support learning within key areas of the curriculum. Our ambition for pupils at William Morris is to study the full curriculum at their own levels of cognition and attain key accreditations and qualifications that will set them up for their journey beyond Lime Academy Hornbeam. Learners have opportunities to complete BTECS and functional skill qualifications
Although both sites offer different provisions, our overarching aims are the same:
• To support and equip our pupils with the relevant knowledge, skills and experiences to be active members of society.
• To provide a personalised provision for each learner that is adaptive and responsive to need.
• To promote independence and not dependence.
• To develop independent living skills and work related learning which is integrated into daily routines that builds on confidence and resilience providing a sense of achievement which is celebrated by the whole community.
• To work collaboratively with all stakeholders
We aim to achieve this by:
• Providing our learners with an effective means of communication to enable them to have a voice E.g. Symbolic, Makaton, Verbal, Gestural, AAC.
• To provide a well-planned, sequenced curriculum that is matched to both cognitive ability and individual strength that prepares students for adulthood.
• To embed our multi agency offer throughout the curriculum to ensure we meet the complex learning and behavioural needs of all our learners.
• Provide a breadth of experiences that enables learners to generalise, maintain and contextualise skills/experiences.
• Promote opportunities for peer and social interaction to develop confidence, resilience and social skills.
• To develop a clear pathway (ASDAN, Functional Skills) for students that underpins their learning and acknowledges the progress that has been made.
• To understanding each unique learner and their current starting points which enables us to build on prior learning that is both meaningful and fun.
British Values
We have British Values.
The Lime Trust primary curriculum model is based on strong building blocks
Ethos & Values
Our values encourage all stakeholders to display the behaviours expected of a member of our school community.
Lime Academy Hornbeam is governed by an Academy Council who are responsible for the governance of the Academy.
Our pupils come from a rich cultural and linguistic backgrounds
Lime Trust
We were established as a Multi Academy Trust in February 2015
New Wave Alliance
Lime Academy Hornbeam is delighted to have become a member of this innovative and collaborative group of schools working together to improve education.
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Performance Data
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SEND Information
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Summary Who works at Lime Academy Hornbeam?
Teacher Training
The Lime Trust is gaining an outstanding reputation for teacher training and development and we are proud to offer the School Direct Programme